Install .Net 7Action

The Install .Net 7 action installs the .Net Framework 7 runtime (v7.0.2), if the framework is not already present.

This action uses the Microsoft .Net Framework installer.  You can configure the action to install the Desktop Runtime or the Asp.Net runtime.  The Microsoft installer can be included in the AppLife Package or downloaded during AppLife Package execution.

As the update action executes, progress can be shown by the AppLife Update user interface, or you can display the Microsoft Framework installer user interface.  The Microsoft installer interface can be shown in a passive mode, where the user does not provide any feedback, or in a standard mode.

Note:  If you are using AppLife Manager or the AppLife Windows Service for permissions elevation, you must use the Show progress as part of the update option.

If the Framework installer requires a system restart, you can configure the prompt shown to the user.

You can set a shared property that will be added to the shared properties collection, indicating whether or not installing the system requires a restart.  This shared property can then be used to conditionally prevent your application from restarting by using a Prevent Application Restart action and a conditional statement.


Prepare Stage

No action taken

Execute Stage

Checks for the presence of the .Net 6 Framework. If the framework is not present, the framework installer is launched as configured in the action properties.

Cleanup Stage

No action taken. 

Rollback Stage

No action taken.  If the .Net 7 Framework is successfully completed install, it will not be uninstalled in an AppLife Engine rollback.