Options Form


Reset “Don’t show this information again” help dialogs

Clears all help dialogs and displays them again when appropriate.


Clear recent files menu

Clears the list of recent projects from both the start page and the file menu.


Always warn before rebuilding an existing update

Check this box if you always want to be warned before building an update over an existing update.  If unchecked, you can re-build the highest version number for 24 hours past its original build time without being warned. are only warned before re-building the highest version 24 hours after its previous build time.


Check for updates at startup

When checked, AppLife Builder will check for available updates for AppLife Update.


Automatically re-open the last project at startup

When checked, AppLife Builder will store the location of the most recently opened project file and attempt to re-open the project as the AppLife Builder application is launched.


Default language for dynamic actions

The Dynamic Action update action that is located in the Update actions palette provides functionality to use C# or Visual Base.net to create customized updating activity.  Set this value to specify the default language for this action.



Automatically detect proxy settings – Check this box to configure AppLife Builder to automatically detect proxy settings and use those settings to publish update projects.

Note:  Ftp publishing through an http proxy server is not supported.  In this scenario, you must use http publishing or bypass your proxy server for ftp.


Proxy address – Manually set the address of your proxy server here.  The address is expecting a fully qualified URI identifying the location of your proxy.

Ex: http://kjsproxy.kineticjump.com:8080/


Check the Bypass proxy server for local addresses box to ignore the proxy setting for local addresses.


Check the Use default credentials to send the credentials that you are currently logged in under to the proxy server for authentication when publishing updates.


To set proxy specific credentials to the proxy server, uncheck the Use default credentials box and enter a user name, password and domain into the appropriate text boxes.




Enable / disable spell checking by setting the checkbox.

Add words to the custom dictionary by typing into the textbox and clicking on the Add command.

Remove words from the custom dictionary by selecting the word to remove and clicking the Remove command.