Replace Files On Restart Action

The Replace Files on Restart action allows you to replace a locked file on the target system upon operating system restart.  You can choose from a list of target client folders

You can define folders relative to target client folder by setting the subdirectories property. 

Files can be added to the list by clicking the Add files button on the right of the list or by selecting the context menu item Add File(s).

The files that are designated must be present for this action to be valid.


Prepare Stage

During the prepare stage, this action verifies permissions to the target folder.

Execute Stage

Places the designated files on the client file system in the directory specified, renamed for uniqueness, then appends to the system registry the necessary values to register the file for replacement upon operating system restart.

Cleanup Stage

No action taken.

Rollback Stage

Removes the registry information designating the files to be replaced on restart.  Removes the local copies of the files.


Replace Files on Restart Action Editor

Action description – Descriptive text that can be used to identify this particular action in the Actions list.


Target client folder – The folder on the client to place files that contains the file(s) you are adding/replacing.


Subdirectories – The directory below the designated client root folder that contains the files.

Files to place in this folder – A collection of files that are to be added or replaced on the client in the defined folder. Files that are added to the list must be present for the action to be valid.


Selected file –  The file path of the selected file. Paths can be modified.  Paths relative to the aup project file location is supported.


Prevent the application from restarting – If the file to be replaced on restart would prevent your application from successfully restarting after the update completes, or your update will request a restart of the operating system, check this box.