Run SQL Server Query

This action executes a SQL Server query using a designated SQL Server Connection or Transaction. The SQL query text can be specified directly, defined using a Shared Property, or defined by selecting a file during the update build process.


Prepare Stage

No action taken.

Execute Stage

Execute the defined SQL query.

Cleanup Stage

No action taken.

Rollback Stage

No action taken.


Run SQL Server Query Action Editor

Action Description - Descriptive text that can be used to identify this particular action in the Actions list.


Shared property key – The Shared Property key of either a SQL Connection or SQL Transaction object that will be used to run the SQL query.


Query – The SQL query can be defined directly or by specifying  a sql file.  If a sql file is used, the file must be present on the build machine, at the time that an update is created.  If a direct value is used, the sql text can be entered directly, or specified using a Shared Property.  If a shared property is used, the value must contain the SQL text.


Timeout – Specifies the time to wait for the query to complete.


Store the last query result in a shared property – When checked, the output of the last sql statement will be added to the Update Context Shared Properties collection using the key value specified.