Add Folder Contents Action

The Add Folder action creates a folder in the designated target client folder.  All files in the local folder are included into the AppLife package during package build.  Subdirectories can be optionally included.  If subdirectories are included, the inner directories are created on the deployed client and their contents are placed inside of the newly created directories.


Prepare Stage

During the prepare stage, this action verifies permissions to the target folder.

Execute Stage

Makes a copy of the files that are going to be replaced on the client computer, then adds and replaces the defined list of files on the client.

Cleanup Stage

Removes the backup copies that were made during the execute stage.

Rollback Stage

Attempts to copy the files that were backed up in the execute stage back to their original location.


Add Folder Contents Action Editor


Condition – Use Shared Properties as variables to conditionally execute this action during an update.

Action description – Descriptive text that can be used to identify this particular action in the Actions list.


Target client folder – The folder on the client to copy content into.


Subdirectories – The directory below the designated client root folder to copy content into.


Folder to copy files from – The folder on the build machine from which to add files to the update.


Include subdirectories – When checked, any subdirectories within the folder to copy files from will also be included.  Subdirectory folders will be created automatically on the deployed client as the action executes.