Delete Node Action

The Delete Node action removes an element or an attribute from a specified Xml file.  To use this action you provide a path to an existing Xml Document by selecting from a list of known folders on the client target and then providing a sub path and file name.

You then provide an XPath expression to identify the node that you want to remove.  If more than one node matches the XPath expression, you can choose one of five actions:


Prepare Stage

Verifies permissions to modify the Xml file.

Execute Stage

The action backs up the Xml file then deletes the Xml node, performing the operation as defined by the action properties.

Cleanup Stage

Removes the backup file created during the execute stage.

Rollback Stage

Restores the xml file with the file backed up in the execute stage.


Delete Xml Node Action Editor

Action description – Descriptive text that can be used to identify this particular action in the Actions list.


Target client folder – The folder on the client where the xml file that is to be edited is located.


Subdirectories – The directory below the designated client root folder to find the xml file that is to be edited.


XML file to edit – The name of the xml file that is to be edited.


XPath query to select the node to be deleted  – Use an XPath expression to identify the node within the xml file that you want to delete.


If multiple nodes are found – Identify the action that you want to occur in the event that multiple xml nodes are returned by your XPath expression.  You can choose to:


Expansion variables can be used to set target client subdirectory, file name of the xml file to edit, and Xpath query.