Masked Add & Replace Action

The masked add & replace files action allows for a file mask to be used when adding files from your local file system to the AppLife Package.  To use this action, set the target client folder, provide a local folder to look for files in, and supply a file mask such as (*.exe).

When this action is processed during the package build process, the file mask is applied to the local folder and all files that match the mask are included into the package.  This action is an extension of the add & replace files action


Prepare Stage

During the prepare stage, this action verifies permissions to the target folder.

Execute Stage

Makes a copy of the files that are going to be replaced on the client computer, then adds and replaces the defined list of files on the client.

Rollback Stage

Attempts to copy the files that were backed up in the execute stage back to their original location.


Masked Add & Replace Files Action Editor


Action description – Descriptive text that can be used to identify this particular action in the Actions list.


Target client folder – The folder on the client to place files that contains the file(s) you are adding/replacing.


Subdirectories – The directory relative to the designated client target folder to place the files.


Folder to copy files from – The local folder that contains the files that the mask is applied to.


Mask to use when copying files – The file mask that determines the files that will be included.


The files that match the mask are written to the output window during the build process.



Expansion variables can be used to set the target client subdirectory property.