Install Service Action

This action will install a Windows Service on deployed clients during an AppLife Package execution.  The action uses the SC.exe Windows utility to perform the installation.  The assemblies for the new service should be placed using a Files Action that precedes this action in the list.


Install Service Action Editor



Action Condition - An expression using expansion variables that is evaluated during engine execution that determines whether this action will be executed.


Action description – Descriptive text that can be used to identify this particular action in the Actions list.


Service Directory - The physical path of the install directory on the deployed system where the service executable is located.  The service assemblies must be placed in the designated directory by a file action that precedes this action in the list.


Subdirectory - a directory relative to the Service Directory where the service assemblies are located.


Executable Name - The name of the primary service executable, located in the designated service directory.


Service Name - The name of the new Windows Service.


Display Name - The display name of the new Windows Service.


Description - The description of the new Windows Service.


Type - The service type.


Start Options - The start behavior for the new Windows Service.


Error Options - Specifies the severity of the error if the service fails to start when the computer is started.


Group - The name of a group to assign the new Windows Service.


On Install Failure - Action the AppLife Engine takes on a Windows Service installation error.


On Service Already Exists - Action to take if a Service with the designated Service Name already exists on the deployed system.


Dependent Services - A list of services to designate as services this new Windows Service will be dependent on.


Account (FQN) - The local Windows Identity to use when starting up this new Windows Service.  Local System is used if this value is left blank.


Password - The associated password for the Account assigned to use as the Start Up Identity. 



See Also

Using AppLife Builder